Thursday, May 5, 2011

What's the opposite of a fever?

Taken from a while ago

Yep, I'm still under the weather.
Better than yesterday, but my couch is still my bff-eva!
Here's my question though: What is the opposite of a fever?
Because I've got that.
Feeling feverish and all around yuck, only to take my temp and it says 97.6.
What does that mean?

In other news: Ainsley and Abigail are showing signs of the sickness.
Lee has been coughing and sneezing.
Abby looks like she has been attacked by neon green paint, homegirl's nose is yucky.

On the positive though, they are both happy.
We have spent our morning cuddled on the couch watching Tangled.
That is briefly interrupted by making a jumpy bridge with all of our pillows and playing soccer.

Today is Thursday.
Something interesting: Since Adison has started spring soccer it has rained every Thursday which just so happens to be practice day.
I forewarned K that he will be taking her to practice this evening.
I just don't have it in me.
My couch and I have a date.

Oh, I had a parenting first yesterday.
Ainsley told me:
Mama, if you don't buy me a piggy I won't be a part of your family anymore.
{She didn't get the piggy.}
Folks, this is one step away from telling me that she hates me.
This has never happened before.
Adison NEVER said anything like this.
I'm not naive enough to think that it would never happen but I seriously hoped that it wouldn't.
It seems like every mother I have talked to have had those three dreaded words said to them.
I hate you.
I am bracing myself for it yet hoping that it never comes.

In other news, Adison only has 14 days of school left.
Then it is time for SUMMER!
I am ready.
Ready for my girl to be home.
Ready to have all three cupcakes together.
It doesn't seem possible that 2nd grade is almost over.
That's probably because it has been so cold this spring.
The idea of Adison being a 3rd grader seems unreal.
It seems like that is a big year, that they are no longer the "little kids" at school.
Will you hold me if I cry?

Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Adison's class is having a fiesta.
She's super excited and has a big tissue paper flower in her hair.

Okay, that's all I've got for now.
I've been sitting upright for too long and my friend the couch is calling for me.

Thanks for all of your sweet words yesterday, you guys are seriously the best!


  1. Oh no you're still not feeling well! I hope it gets better tomorrow! When a child says they hate you they don't mean it, I know it will hurt if it happens, and it is not very nice to hear but trust me a child will always love their mother under most circumstances. My mother has done many not so wonderful things but I cannot escape that she is my mother and I do love her despite her decisions.

  2. My daughter half jokingly, half seriously called me Momzilla last week. I told her I take it as a compliment and she ended up laughing with me.
