Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our morning at the Farmer's Market

We had a first today.
I have no idea why we haven't done this sooner.
But, we haven't.
Oh well.
This morning the hubster and I took the girls to the Farmer's Market.

There was so much to see.
It was seriously fun.

This was our first stop of the day.
We bought four pounds of asparagus.
I would be willing to bet that will be gone within two meals.
I am really hoping that K will grill it tonight.

They had so many pretty flowers.
There were probably three or four areas like this full of flowers.
I wanted to get some but I have a brown thumb and tend to kill plants.
Sad, yes.

Abby was not having fun.
At all.
So we got her a breakfast burrito and it temporarily improved her attitude.

Adison had a blast.
There were so many things to look at.
She wanted to check out everything.
That's my girl.
There was a clown there too.
Seriously, they had EVERYTHING!
Adison got a cobra and Lee got an elephant.

She then dropped her elephant and when a nice man picked it up for her it popped.
Ainsley and I then had to go get another elephant.
As we were heading back over to meet up with K and the other girls we saw a dead snake on the ground.
She thought it was fascinating.
I had to get a picture of myself to document the fact that I was actually there.
Hi y'all.
Pay no attention to my crazy hair.
It was windy.

K also got me a new kitty.
Isn't he cute???
I decided since he should be a boy since K is so heavily outnumbered.
Yep, even our three cats are girls.
What should we name him?
I don't know, I just love him because he kinda looks like an egg.

It wore Abby out.
She fell asleep within minutes of getting in the car.
We had so much fun though that we have decided to go back next weekend.

After that we headed over to my Dad's house.
He had picked up some donuts and the cupcakes love donuts.
{Ha, that totally cracked me up.}
My Dad loves to run around and play with the girls.
Well, Lee was running and tripped and landed face first on the driveway.
I saw the whole thing happened and heard the sickening crack.
K thought that a tree limb had snapped, that's how loud it was.
I ran over to her thinking that we were headed to the ER.
Her face was bloody and she was complaining that her knee hurt.
Luckily it was only her lip bleeding.
She skinned both knees and her right hand as well.
But oh my goodness, that crack was so loud.
I am so grateful that it wasn't her face that made that loud noise.

Okay everyone, I am off to cook with some of our Farmer's Market purchases!


  1. Well hello there pretty face!! Love the pics of the outting. I always feel so good after going to the farmer's market. So glad that (for the most part) the girls had a blast. Oh! And the cat? You should totally name him Macavity!! But only if you love TS Elliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. My mom used to read that to us all the time as kids. I keep hoping that at some point in my pet owning life, I'll get to have a cat named Macavity. Let me know what you end up making with all of those amazing ingredients!

  2. Love love love the pictures - so exciting! Now you just need to make a little bit MORE of a drive to visit ME at the farmers market..bawhaha!

    Farmers markets are awesome..and I'm not just saying that because I'm biased and a farmer..LOL!

    Also - cupcakes loving doughnuts? Kinda made me snort a little. Because you're awesome. And hilarious.
