Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My goofy girl

Abby is a ham, or rather, a selective ham.
She is usually very quiet around non-family members and even around them she can be quite shy at times.

She does have a rather large, outgoing, bossy, charming, hysterical, enchanting personality.
Tonight at dinner, she was letting it shine through and she actually allowed and performed for the camera.
This is not small feat, normally she shies away when she knows I am recording.
I hope you enjoy seeing the precious girl that we see.


  1. ohhh she is so cute!! I miss my daughter being that age :)

    1. Thank you so much! I am enjoying every second of this age, she is our youngest and last. It all goes by so quickly!

  2. Oh Danna she is just beautiful! Of all your girls I think she looks most like you. I think they are all precious and beautiful anyway!

    1. Aw, thanks Rachel! How are you doing? I miss chatting with you :)
