Wednesday, November 16, 2011

She's two!

{Her first picture as a two year old.}
I cannot believe that Abby is two!
These last two years have flown by more quickly that I could have possibly imagine.
This little girl who's name means a father's joy is just that.
She is an absolute joy.

Sure, she has her moments, like anyone does, but she is such a delight.
More often than not she has one or all of us laughing at her antics.
She is able to keep up with feisty Ainsley and make Adison giggle.

At two {gasp!} she is into:
Mickey Mouse or as she calls him "Mouse"

Abby is extremely shy around others.
She lets very few people see her feisty side, which seems kind of neat and baffling all at the same time.
She is very nurturing and cares for others.
She likes to be around other people and is, at times, VERY bossy.
Abby knows what she likes and doesn't like and is not afraid to let you know.
Most of all though, she is loving, in every sense of the word.

I think back to the early days of my pregnancy with Abby when all was so uncertain, it makes me realize how truly blessed we are to have her as part of our family.

Abby, I love you so very much. You are such a joy and delight, you make my heart smile. I love you my dear. xoxo, Mommy

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