Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday's randoms

(Babs and I from earlier this winter)

~Sorry folks that this is so late.
Not much going on.
Watching the Grammy's, kind of.

~We have had a pretty chill day today.
Small group tonight was pretty amazing, love being in a group with such wonderful people.

~I am getting a huge kick out of iPhone's auto-correct.
K's texts/updates really crack me up.
Woot turns to wooten and Muppet was turned into mullet.

~I have been having so much fun working on my blog!
I FINALLY got my blog button working!
Thanks to friends that would checked on that MULTIPLE times to see if it would work.
I also made something for Thursday's Good, Bad and Funny.
I am really excited about it!

~I can't wait to hear how everyone is spending Valentine's day.
We probably won't do too much.
A certain someone doesn't really get into it.
But, I will be sharing some extra love with the cupcakes and the hubs anyway :)

See y'all on the flip side, night!