Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Funny

The Good: Our house is officially ready for Christmas. Tree is up, lights are strung, nativity set is out. We are ready! Everything about this season is good, the smells, the taste, the sights, this is my favorite time of year! Things are going well around here, except for the little two having colds, nothing to really report.
The Bad: The Cat, you know, the one mentioned yesterday, knocked over out little tree and broke one of Adison's favorite ornaments. Abby kept walking around looking for the kitty to tell her that she broke it, it was really cute.

The Funny: Tuesday evening, before dinner we were hanging out in the living room while dinner cooked. K was doing something at the fireplace {I don't remember what}, Ainsley was sitting on the recliner, Adison and I were on the couch and I was tickling Abby. Out of the blue I felt this huge *pop* near my clavicle, tremendous pain and part of my arm went numb. I called for K to come get Abby and he asked what had happened. I told him about the pain and his immediate thought was that I had somehow torn a ligament or something. He started telling me how I needed to call the doctor the next day or go to the emergency room and that I would probably be having surgery some time later in the week. What!?! Then Adison chimes in saying that she saw Ainsley throw something and that it had hit me. In my mind I was thinking that there is no way my 4 year old could throw something at me that hard. Finally, I went into the bathroom to look at where the pain was coming from, the area was red and there was a little cut on it. Huh? Then I remembered what Adison had said. Finally we figured it out, Ainsley was trying to throw a little Dora toy with a hat on it somewhere {which she isn't supposed to} and she accidentally hit me with it. By the time we sat down for dinner we were all having a good laugh at what had happened.


Thank you so much for your prayers for Tiffany, they started chemo yesterday. I will keep you guys updated on how she is doing. 

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