Friday, September 24, 2010

A fun day today

We actually had a fun day today.
We even got out of the house!!!

After dropping Adison off at school, the little girls and I headed out to what is easily on of my favorite places in the whole wide world...
I love that store, yes I do.
I am not even remotely ashamed to admit it.
I have told K on several occasions that I would move anywhere as long as they have a Target.
Yes, my affection runs that deep.

We headed out that way because my friend Jennifer told me that they had a sale on bedding.
Ainsley needed new bedding, hence the perfect excuse to head out.
I actually wanted to go last night but it was pouring down rain.
Here is a pic of Ains with her new bedding.

Can you tell that she likes it?

After we got home, Abby took a nap and Ains and I made a Halloween project.
After seeing the Halloween decorations at Target Ains was obsessed with Halloween.
So we got out our decorations and made some ourselves from here.
She was very happy.
Now I need to figure out where to hang these cuties up!

After Abby got up, we played...a lot!


(Even my rug is crooked and I won't even bother commenting on the state of my couch!)

We then had lunch and the girls went down for a nap.
But not before discovering that they had matching shirts.
(I was looking in the tub for Fall clothes for Abby and voila!)

We really had a great day, now if I could get over the rest of this sickness and allergies everything would be just peachy!

Happy Friday!

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