Saturday, January 22, 2011

Perseverance and Grace

Yesterday was a DAY!
I mean wow.
I am not trying to be a downer or complainer, but there really is nothing like pukey, sick kids.
Ainsley hadn't thrown up since Thursday around 4:30, but she was really cranky and crying a lot.
She has recently started doing this really high pitched screaming cry thing, it really is enough to make you want to rip your ears off.
So, she was doing this off and on most of the day yesterday and there was little I could do to make her happy.
It just broke my heart to see her so upset.

So, it was about 3:00 when Abby woke up from her nap.
Lee was peacefully sleeping and it was actually a calm moment.
I had Abby on my lap while she was drinking her milk when she erupted.
She did the puke thing where it looks like lava spewing out of their mouths.
I was so shocked that I just sat there while she puked all over the both of us.
The only positive in this situation is that she was drinking vanilla soy milk and that stuff was not stinky or gross at all coming up.

I then looked at the clock and panicked.
Adison gets out of school at 3:30 and I am the one that picks her up.
(There was no way that K was going to be able to pick up Adison right now, he is BUSY at work.)
So, I get a very sick and sad baby in the bath.
After getting her cleaned up and ready (in record time I might add) I had to get Ainsley up.
She screamed and screamed and screamed.
While I was feeling the pressure of trying to get all of these normally routine things done I suddenly felt grace just wash over me.
I kept my calm and just got done what needed to get done.
Even if that meant carrying a 20lb one year old and a 36lb three year old.
(And having Ainsley wear her cowgirl boots with footed pajamas out of the house.)

I guess the point of all of this rambling is that even though it wasn't fun or even remotely enjoyable, being able to persevere even in the most frantic of moments is so very rewarding.
Plus, I was caring, soothing and mothering my sick little cupcakes, what a blessing and honor.

This morning while thinking about what to write today I came across Adison's memory verse from church for the week:

"Let us keep running the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1

Is life always fun?
Is life always how we want it to be?
But, should we be faithful to what God has planned for us and always make the best of situations?
You betcha!


  1. Oh what a great attitude. It's so refreshing. I've been feeling uh...grouchy? (You can read a lot more into that word if you'd like!) Things just feel like they are closing in on me. I'm sorry you had a tough day, but what an encouragement you are!

  2. What a sweet Mamma you are. I have four and one on the way, I have been puked on many a time. I don't know that I ever had a great attitude like you did.... Cute blog!

  3. What a sweet Mamma you are. I have four and one on the way, I have been puked on many a time. I don't know that I ever had a great attitude like you did.... Cute blog!
