Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Funny

Welcome to the third edition of:
The Good, the Bad and the Funny!
Just kidding.

The Good: As of now we are all healthy! I pray for this to continue. Abby is walking, yay! I also reached my 200th post. I am honesty psyched about this one. I tend to struggle with consistency with non-family/child things so this is really amazing. Plus the hubs and Adison are back in town.

The Bad: For this week it can pretty much be summed up in saying: Stomach bug and attitude (not mine of course, I NEVER have a bad attitude, ha ha).

The Funny: As I was prepping for dinner I pulled the mushrooms out of the fridge and when I looked at them I noticed that they were torn up looking. I mean these things looked rough and I knew that they didn't look like that this morning. I was talking with K on the phone and he immediately thought it was Ains. Upon questioning, she said that she did it because, "The mushrooms were talking." I think that she has seen Alice in Wonderland a few too many times lately.

Okay, feel free to share or link up or let me know if you did one too!
I would LOVE to read yours!


  1. Congratulations on your 200th post!
    Come and join my blog hop-
