Saturday, December 11, 2010

Apparently I am much older than I think I am

Yesterday afternoon as I pull up to Adison's school to pick her up I spot her running towards the car. My heart swelled and I couldn't wait to have my girl for the rest of the weekend. I miss her when she is at school! As I pull up and she is hopping into the van I notice her teachers coming towards me, heads shaking they have that *look*. If you have a "spirited" child you know what that *look* looks like. My heartbeat speeds up a little and a dialogue is running  through my head...but she has really been exhibiting amazing self-control lately...she has really been working hard on staying on task...she has been trying really hard to remember to raise her hand...etc.

My heart starts to break for this spirited child of mine that has so much energy and excitement for life that she can hardly sit still.
Then Mrs. L and Ms. F come over to the van and I roll down the window.

Adison informed the ENTIRE class and some parents today that you are 49 years old.

Uhh...what? Ha ha ha ha!

Yes, we didn't know that you were 49. You are looking good! Man, you have those Hollywood movie stars beat!

Well, you know...I try to take care of myself. I do what I can.

(Seriously though, I will be 30 in 3 weeks. Not that 49 is a bad thing, but I would really like to experience my 30s first.)

We all left with a really good laugh, I wonder how many parents believed her...


  1. Oh this made me laugh! I could see this happening to me. I'm glad it turned out to be something funny and not... "You will not believe what your child did this time!" How I hated hearing those words! I'm sharing this on my facebook blog page. :)

  2. Oh this made me laugh! I could see this happening to me. I'm glad it turned out to be something funny and not... "You will not believe what your child did this time!" How I hated hearing those words! I'm sharing this on my facebook blog page. :)
