Friday, March 2, 2012


life rearranged

Hello my dears, can you believe that it is Friday?
This week has flown by!
Today is my Dad's birthday!Happy birthday, Dad!!!!!

Abby can be such a goofball at times.
This is my hat and I am a robot.
All of my girls have gone through a robot faze, too funny.

These fruit snacks were so good.
I say "were" because we finished them off in record time.
They had fruit and vegetable juice in them.
So. good.

This was my photo for #MarchPhotoADay
The prompt for yesterday was: Up.
Yesterday it was 70 and sunny, this morning, we woke up to snow.
Yep, that's Kansas for ya.

While at the grocery store earlier in the week I spied this creamer that I have heard so much about.
I have to say it was delicious.
I like it *almost* as much as my caramel macchiato.
It might be half gone already.

This is such a perfect picture of the "Terrible Two's".
Abby sat down on our walk last Sunday and declared: I not gonna do it.
She wanted her way and that was it.
There is something so funny now about this stage, maybe it's because she's our last, but it cracks me up.

Happy weekend, xoxo


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you got the Sweet Italian Cream, it's my faaaav!

  2. Am going to have to try that creamer!

    Ps love the new header!!

    Hope your having a great Sunday!
