Monday, December 31, 2012

For the sake of posterirty

One of the biggest benefits with technology today is the ability to capture or record a moment, something that as a parent I don't ever want to forget.

This afternoon I have had a brutal headache, thoughts of up-chucking came to mind at one point.

I finally found a comfortable position for my head that lessened the forehead stabby feeling that was going on and I was determined to keep it there.

Abby decided to come in and talk to me about brushing her new Rapunzel's hair.
She scooted herself up next to me on the bed and started doing her typical no nonsense chatter while taking stops to talk to herself or her toys.

I knew that I had to record this conversation because in the future K and I would be having a conversation about Abby and how she said such and such or how she pronounced something or how her voice sounded.
K and I have these conversations in regards to the other children and I wanted to save and savor this moment.

I hope you enjoy this little peek into the joy that I call Miss Abigail.
{p.s. Homegirl is super into potty humor or rather any discussion that has anything to do with bathroom activities.}

K called while Abby was chatting with Rapunzel and I hear:

If you want me to brush your hair say aye

Aye was said in response in a doll voice.

{p.s. I'm teasing her when I said "Ow" that's why she smiled.}

So long 2012

2012 is over.
Man, that happened fast.

You know when you're a kid and adults tell you that time seems to move more quickly the older you get and little kid you is like, uh huh, whatever, it takes forever!
Well, it does go quickly.

I've seen lots of people sharing their New Year's Resolutions and they seem very attainable.
I, however, don't make them.
I make goals for myself. 
That way if I don't manage to check a goal off of my list there's no pressure.
No let down.
A goal for me is much more user friendly.
I think it leaves some wiggle room for trying your hardest and having peace with the results.
Do you make resolutions?

Looking back over the last year I am happy to report that it was a good one.
Sure, there were some bumps in the road, some hiccups along the way but I am a firm believer in that the twists and turns are what builds character and wisdom.
I can say from experience that I have learned so much more about myself, my relationships and life when things haven't gone exactly to plan.

So, 2013, please be kind to all of us.
I pray for health, contentment and love.

I think a good theme for this next year for me would be contentment.
Being happy with who I am, where I'm at and what I have.
Because, you know what, I have been blessed and sometimes it's hard in the hustle and bustle of life to be aware of just how blessed we are.

P.S. Today is K's birthday, happy birthday my love! xo

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas, where did you go?

Homegirl got herself some new dress-up clothes or should I just say clothes?
This dress came with a headband and little lace up slippers that tie around her ankles/calves.

How in the world is Christmas over?
As Abby would say For serious?
We are going to celebrate with my mom and step-dad this weekend, but how oh how is it over already?

This year we were at home for Christmas.
This was the first year that it was planned that way, the only other time was when we had a blizzard and got snowed in and couldn't leave our house.

This year, the kids slept in until 7:30 {why can't they do this on any other day} and we stayed in our pajamas all day.
The kids liked doing that so much that we did it again today.
I have not left my house in two days and I'm loving it.

We celebrated with my dad and step-mom on Friday.
It was so much fun.
My step-mom made some delicious taco soup, I got the recipe from her so I am planning on making it and sharing it.

We then celebrated with K's family on Sunday.
Again, the kids had a blast.
Yay Christmas!

If you add it up my kids get four Christmas-es.
Yes four.
Luckily for them they had good behavior so they didn't get any coal.
Although I may have threatened several times to email Santa.
We are close like that, ya know.
I may have also reminded more times that I care to think of that Harper {our elf} was watching every. little. thing. they. did. and. said.

We had church on Saturday night and oh my word, it was wonderful.
We sang Oh Come All Ye Faithful, the version that we sang is so powerful.
I'll try to share a video later, the internet is being a jerk right now.

So, Christmas, you are basically over.
One last celebration for us and then we will be adios until next year.
It was fun, it was real, thanks for the awesomeness.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Writing a post instead of folding laundry

Keeping it real: I am totally avoiding the mountain of laundry sitting next to the Christmas tree. It's seriously like three feet tall. Call it procrastination if you will, avoidance even, I think I shall choose to call it pacing myself. That works, right? I mean, the nature of laundry is that there will always be dirty laundry to wash then clean clothes to fold, so really I'm just pacing myself, because I know that there is a never ending loop of laundry. lather, rinse, repeat. Right? 

I am so looking forward to Christmas yet wanting it to take a while to get here still. I love the magical, reverent feeling of this time of year. However, the jumping up and down and constant asking of how many days until Christmas have me ready for it to arrive. Plus, I am super duper extra excited about seeing my mom. That being said though, I have nothing wrapped nor made yet. You see, this year we decided that we were making all of the adults gifts, it's nothing much, but made by K and I. I'm super excited to give Ainsley one of her gifts, I asked Clara if she could make a special shirt for Ainsley and it came out perfect. I will have to share pics after she gets it, homegirl is going to be sooooo excited. 

We are supposed to be getting some snow tonight. The kids and I are beyond excited! Snow! finally, Lee is hoping that there will at least be enough to make a snowball. I also saw that we might actually have a white Christmas. Yippee!!!

I realized last night that we still haven't watched A Christmas Story yet. We also haven't watched Polar Express. We have watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman. Any Christmas classic must-watches for you?

Okay, I've procrastinated enough, time to tackle the laundry.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas lights tour - a Christmas tradition

Not far from our house is a neighborhood filled with older homes, homes with so much character and detail.
The neat thing about this neighborhood is that almost every house puts up gorgeous Christmas lights.

I feel like I should preface these pics with saying that I took them with my phone while K was driving down cobblestone roads.

I love this yard.
The house lights were pretty, but this massive tree with gigantic ornaments ... get outta here.
Holy smokes, I loved it.

This house was my favorite this year.
There is just something so perfect and clean and wonderful about white lights.
Sigh, perfection.
Yes, I know that my OCD is showing.
{Shhh, don't tell, but K and I actually try to guess at who had their lights professionally put up based on their straightness. K is not the one that EVER brings this up. Like I said, I know my OCD is showing.}

This house made me giddy with how "Christmas-y" it was.
In the words of Adison: These people have the Christmas spirit.
From the Santa with his reindeer, to the Nativity scene, the mulitcolored lights with the faux-candles in the window and the lit garland it filled my heart with such happiness.

Do you have any neighborhood's like this where you live?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I'm just trying to wrap my head around it

Friday morning I dropped my oldest off at school with a kiss, an I love you and I'll see you after school.

This is a Monday through Friday routine.
I know that I will pick her up after school every school day, see her blond hair blowing in the wind as she runs towards my van, see her smile as soon as she sees mine and hear her sigh after putting her backpack down.

This has been our routine for the last five years.
It has always felt like a safe, normal thing to do.

Friday changed all of that.
No longer is there that bubble surrounding elementary schools anymore.
The feeling of sanctity.
That has been tainted.

When I initially heard what had happened in Connecticut the first thing I wanted to do was to get Adison from school.
I wanted her here, with me, in our home.
But I didn't, I resisted my fear and waited.
Oh, the precious sight of that blond hair, the grin, the dropping of the backpack.

Tonight, there are 20 moms and dads who are missing their babies.
Who never could have imagined something like this happening.
There are 26 families whose lives are now torn apart.

How could something like this have happened?

I know that is something that we will probably never have the answer to.
But as a mom I want to know what to do to keep my babies safe.

Seeing the pictures of these 20 children hit home hard.

My Ainsley is 5.
These children were only a year or two older than her.

How could my life continue on without her?

How could life continue on without any of my children?

How are they able to make it from one moment to the next without their children?
My heart breaks at their pain, it is unimaginable.

I have spent my weekend grieving alongside these families.
They have been in my thoughts and on my mind ever since the news was released.

I have also spent it loving on my kids even more than normal.
Tonight we took the kids to a light show at a local show.
I heard their giggles and their exclamations as to their favorite part.
I felt the weight of them on my body, one on each leg and Adison's head resting upon my shoulder.
The tickle of their hair on my face.

To never have that again ...
I can't go there.
My brain won't let me and my body will not consider it without a rush of tears.

These moms and dads, sisters and brothers, grandparents and cousins, aunts and uncles, friends, I am so very sorry.
Sorry for all that you have lost, for the part of your heart that is missing.
I am sending love to you, love and prayers.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Clarabelle's Crafts Giveaway Winner!!!

The winner of the Clarabelle's Crafts giveaway winner is...

This one featured is really my fave...but I also like the one with the Christmas tree. :)
family74014 at gmail dot com

Aubrey, contact me at so we can get your prize to you. I will also forward your email address on to Clara!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I love this picture. Sisterly love and cuddles. My newly turned three year old with a post-nap pacifier in her mouth, still working on getting rid of it. Abby's dress up dress, homegirl is wearing dress up clothes more often than not lately and I am a-okay with it.

Hello lovelies!
How has your week been going so far?
Mine has been busy and busy and busy and fun.

Did I tell you that I caught another cold from the little girls?
They had runny noses and a few sneezes meanwhile K and I were feeling like death warmed over.
For real.
I finally called my dr. yesterday asking for an antibiotic, I have been coughing now for more than a month and my poor ribs just can't handle it anymore.
So, I am the proud owner of an antibiotic AND some new cough medicine.

Today K finally {read FINALLY!!!!!} called about getting an antibiotic for himself as asthamtics + chest colds = no me gusta
Plus, K is a notoriously difficult patient, I had to threaten him today with calling him every hour until he call the dr.
I'm happy to report that it only took one phone call and by the time I texted him later this morning he had already called.
Shocked, simply beyond.

How is your Christmas shopping going?
Mine has been nonexistent other than a few things we purchased for the girls a couple of months ago.
I love Christmas shopping and I love the rush and the crowds the closer it gets to Christmas so I usually wait until almost the last second.
Normally K and I will make a date out of it while my Dad watches our gargoyles.
{Sidenote: isn't it funny how the older you get and especially being a parent that you find yourself saying the exact same things that your parents said? My mom used to call me a gargoyle instead of Danna and it used to crack me up. I now find myself calling my girls the same thing.}

Don't forget to enter my giveaway if you are a U.S. resident, it closes tomorrow night at midnight and there are low entries.
{I so wish that I could enter this one myself, so freakin' cute!}

I've been thinking of Christmas traditions lately and have been wondering what yours are?
Please share in the comments section.
For us we stay home on Christmas morning so the kids can experience Christmas at our home.
On Christmas Eve, after dinner we read the story of Christ's birth from the Bible. Both K and I feel so strongly about teaching our children the reason for this blessed season. It's not about the presents or the treats or any of the other fun things that come this time of year. It is all about celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior.
That's just a few of ours, please share some of yours!

It's crazy to think that this will be the last time in our lifetime to experience the month/date/year all being the same.
My best friend Jennifer's oldest son turned 12 today, a pretty impressive golden birthday if I do say so myself.

That's all I've got for tonight, I've got to get my tired self to bed early tonight and pray that this cough is completely gone by tomorrow.

xo, me


Monday, December 10, 2012

Giveaway!!! ClaraBelle's Crafts

I have mentioned my dear friend Clara a time or two or maybe five million.
We've done the Color Run together twice, according to Ainsley she is marrying one of Clara's boys and we enjoy doing life together.
So, when she mentioned a few months ago that she was thinking about selling her darling creations I was a firm supporter.

Clara makes the most darling bows {my girls have a couple and have several more on the way}, shirts and other clothing and accessories for kiddos.

Today, ClaraBelle's Crafts is giving away a darling Christmas bow and shirt/onesie for a little one in your life.

The onesie pictured is 3 - 6 months, but Clara would make a shirt/onesie in a different size if the winner prefers.

Here are some of Clara's other creations:

Photo: The latest requests of my children. 

Photo: The latest requests of my children. 

Photo: $4 

Photo: Autumn bows $3 each or 2 for $5.


To enter:
1. You must be a follower of my blog 3 Pink Cupcakes

2. Head on over to ClaraBelle's Crafts page on Facebook and "like" her page.

3. Check out the pictures on Facebook and leave a comment here sharing which is your favorite.

4. Share this post on Facebook for an additional entry.

5. Share this post on Twitter for another entry.

Make sure to leave each comment separately for multiple entries.

Giveaway closes on Thursday, December 13th at Midnight {Central Time} and the winner will be announced on Friday morning. For U.S. residents only.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for writing this post. All opinions are my own. The giveaway products were supplied by ClaraBelle's Crafts.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I'm Sew Impressed with Lalaloopsy

Please ignore the mess, I'm in the process of clothes sorting.

Do you remember when I told you about Ainsley accidentally ripping the arm off of Lala?
I ended up tweeting the company asking them if arm could be replaced and they actually tweeted me back.
{Don't you just love a company that gets social media}
They gave me a phone number to call to speak to someone at the company who was very helpful.

She told me since I didn't have the receipt that this one time {save your Lalaloopsy receipts yo} they could send me a replacement doll for free and proceeded to list off over ten different dolls that they would send Lee. 
I asked if they could email the list for Ainsley to look over and we could go from there and they agreed.
By the next morning I received a confirmation email letting me know that Lee's doll should be at our house within 2 - 4 weeks.
In my mind it was a Yay! in the mind of a five year old 2 - 4 weeks seems like ages.

Imagine my surprise and delight when in little more than a week Lee's new doll came.

Let me introduce you to Pix E. Flutter, she was made out of a fairy's dress and Lee couldn't be happier.

Thanks Lalaloopsy for making a little girl {and her mama} very happy, much appreciated.

Lalaloopsy has no idea who I am other than the emails exchanged. I was not compensated at all nor asked to share what an amazing company this is. I enjoy hearing about companies that go above and beyond and thought that you would, too.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Last year I got bit by the "Elf on the Shelf" bug.
Seeing all the cute pics on Instagram and blog posts sucked me right in.
As I said the other day, I asked my mom to get "me" one for Christmas.

We have been having a blast with Harper.
{I still need to get her a skirt}
This morning Abby was the first one to spot her on the curtain rod and was beyond thrilled.

These have been her hiding spots so far, the first 5 days of December.

Monday, December 3, 2012

A kiss on the yips

How was your weekend?
Ours went pretty well.
I worked at the church and we visited with my Dad on Saturday and on Sunday we were lay-zy.
I only left the house once and it was to go to the grocery store to pick up some things I needed to make a dessert for our Small Group Christmas Party tonight.
I'm really looking forward to our party tonight, the kids are beside themselves excited for the party, well, that and all the desserts.
I can't blame them, I'm pretty excited about that as well.
K and I made some white chocolate peppermint bark, yum!

The skies have been amazing around here lately and I can't help but snap some pics of them.
K's car decided to have an attitude and act wonky so the girls and I have been taking him to work and picking him up.
I was kind of dreading the whole extra time the kids spend in the car situation but have been so blessed by having some extra time to talk with my husband.
I have thoroughly enjoyed talking, I'm sad to see our extra time together go when his car is fixed.

I'm so enjoying this blessed holiday season this year, last year I had a bit of a hard time getting into the gaiety of the season but not this year.
I would love this time even more if it actually felt like winter, it feels so wrong to be wearing short sleeved shirts and flip flops during December.

This afternoon my best friend, Jennifer, brought Adison home from school.
As they were leaving her youngest, Eddie, reached out for Abby and kissed her.
On my yips! {lips} she said.
Abby thought it was funny and Ainsley looked at me and said
Mama, his only 2, that's too young to be kissing!
These kids crack me up!

I have been taking pictures daily of our elf Harper and where the kiddos find her.
I'm planning on sharing several at a time and posting sometime later this week.
I've thought about maybe doing a link-up.
I've been taking my pictures with Instagram {I'm @dannabraun}

xo, D

Friday, November 30, 2012

Our elf arrived

Last year for Christmas my mom gave me an Elf of the Shelf.
Yes, I asked for it for Christmas.

I love their vintage look and the sneaky facial expression.
Plus, I love the idea of passing the buck to the Elf for keeping track of the kids behavior.

I'm not above it.

Last year the girls decided that our elf was a girl {of course} and her name is Harper.

Harper stayed with us for a few days last year and then had to head back up to the North Pole to spend the next 11 months hanging our with Santa.

This morning she showed up, sitting so mischievously at the top of our Christmas tree.

The girls all but flipped out when they spotted her.

Ainsley swore that she saw Harper blink and that she was watching her every move.

Yay, nice move Harper, nice move.
The girls are on alert, good behavior is to be had.

{pretty please!}

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

coffee + me = bff 4 ever. Alternate title: Yay caffeine and the thought chaos that follows

Hey there lovelies!

Good news, I am feeling better, yay prescriptions!

Bad news, I have now coughed so much I feel as though I have broken a rib.
I have also apparently broken my brain or at least that's what K thinks has happened after he looked at me like I had lost my mind for considering going to the gym today.

Seriously, Danna ... do you think that's a good idea?

I wish you could have seen the look on his face, I love him and his exasperation at my me-ness.

Yeah, Monday I finally made it back after a three week hiatus.
It was rough.
But, I did it, after multiple breaks and gulping down my weight in water several times.

I had a weird aha moment yesterday:
Why is it that I can't sleep at night yet cannot stay awake during the day?

Last night while we were checking out at the grocery store K held up a bottle of Coldstone Creamery coffee creamer looked at me and said:

Seriously, Danna ... do you really need more, didn't you just buy some the other day?
I think you have a problem.

Then I responded by saying something along the lines of:

Don't question it, I need my coffee plus I like to be prepared, I can't run out. 

I need all the help I can get, man, this mothering thing is h-a-r-d.
Like whoa.
It feels like juggling, or what I imagine juggling to feel like as I can't juggle.
I'm constantly trying to just keep everything up in the air and smoothly going from point A -----> point B.
Okay, so, see the picture above?
That's Ainsley's La La Loopsy named LaLa.
{we are a creative bunch aren't we}
Poor Lee, she accidentally pulled her arm off while changing LaLa's clothes last week.
Lee is bummed that her favorite doll broke and has been giving her extra cuddles since then.

Well, lovelies, I'm off to make some more coffee and watch some Mirror Mirror with my girls.


Friday, November 23, 2012


Hello lovelies, sorry I have been gone.
After my feeling better/getting worse sickness continued, I finally dragged myself to the dr. {with quite a bit of pushing from K and my mom}.
I have bronchitis.
Yay me!
I have been really really really sleepy lately and with all of the busyness of right now blogging fell by the wayside.
Sorry loves.

This past week, well, it's been a mix of busy and super laid back.
Last Friday was Princess Abigail's birthday.
Did I tell you that she now wants be called Princess?
Yes, regular clothes have gone by the waysaid and she only wants to be wearing her princess clothes and sings her princess song, oh and she carries her favorite princess everywhere we go.
Yep, Snow White and Cinderella are along for the ride.

Abby's birthday cake.
Funfetti cake with Rainbow Chip frosting, decorated with stars and star candles and her fairy princess wand that our ped and his nurses gave her.
She had a wonderful birthday and told everyone who asked that she turned 3 1/2.
It's an improvement from the day before when she would tell you that she was two and would give you the bird.

Our cat, Chloe, is the most laid back kitty.
She doesn't mind the kids holding her and playing with her and when she's had enough she finds a quiet place to take a nap.
She also lets K dress her up like Darth Vader or as we like to call her Darth Chloe.

Not feeling well calls for comfort food and man have I been cooking a lot more lately.
One of my all time, childhood favorites is Eggs on a Raft.
I made mine this time with sourdough bread and butter with sea salt and olive oil in it.
Holy smokes y'all, this was so good.

Adison made this sign while doing some weekly cleaning last weekend.
It looked all serious and forboding until Abby decided to decorate her sign with princess stickers.
Sorry Adison!

Chloe playing dress-up again, this time Ainsley and Abby decided she need to be a princess.
She looks less than enthused but quite regal I think.

This is a pretty accurate pic of what I did this past week.
Blanket, warm drink and sitting on the couch.
::cough cough::

I did rally for a couple of hours on Tuesday and managed to get the Christmas tree up.
The girls were chomping at the bit to get it done and who could possibly say no to these faces?
I put up way less of our decorations as usual and am liking it.
Does anyone else do this, more some years than others?

I have super sensitive lips, they freak out to most chapsticks.
When I mentioned to K as he was headed to the store that I needed more, I tend to run out quickly I blame it on my full lips ;), he grabbed some of this stuff for me.
1. The teeny tiny little pot of it is just too cute for words.
2. I love this stuff.

Last but not least, we celebrated Thanksgiving.
Our celebration with family is coming up, but for actual Thanksgiving it was just the five of us.
We had a bit of an untraditional Thanksgiving: rotisserie chicken, homemade mashed potatoes and gravy, roasted carrots and pie.
It was good.

How was your Thanksgiving?

xo, Danna

Friday, November 16, 2012


I was planning on linking up for InstaFriday, but then, I thought it would more fun to do an Insta-Abby.
Ah, the joys of technology.
They didn't have any of this fancy technology when I had my first and I didn't have a cell phone with such a nice camera when I had my second born.
My third, well, the first three {eek!} years of her life have been documented using Instagram quite a bit.

This is one of the first pictures I took when I started using Instagram.
It is still one of my favorite pictures.

Look at those baby cheeks and the nose and well, the everything.
This girl, holy smokes.

The pigtails, I die.

I have no words.

I love this pic so much that it's my lock screen on my phone.
The scrunchy nose, the pigtails, could she be any cuter?

Summer fun at the pool.
Big girl wearing mama's sunglasses.

Playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house, she was roaring at us.

She was terrified of the fireworks, homegirl was not a fan.
She was a fan of Daddy holding her and holding a sparkler.

My mom came in town to celebrate all four girls' birthdays.
All four girls' birthdays {my niece included} are within about 6 weeks of each other.

I recently took this one, I love her excitement at a new coat.

Our little super model was telling me that she was 2.

Her first picture as a 3 year old.
Wow, my baby is 3!

This morning she had her 3 year check-up, homegirl is healthy, praise the Lord!
Our pediatrician and his nurses gave Abby, Ainsley and Cameron {niece} little tiaras and fairy wands.
They even gave Abby a birthday cake sticker.

Happy Birthday Angel Face Abby.
{That's what my dad calls her}.
You are such a delight, your spunk, sass and liveliness bring just joy to us.
I thank God for you my sweetheart.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


The other night, in a cold-med induced haze I thought this idea of least/most could be fun.
I had a weird cold where I would feel pretty good, thinking that I was on the tail-end of it and the next day, WHAM, feeling horrible.
Today, I'm feeling pretty good, praying that the end really is near and tomorrow won't be a WHAM day as it's Abby's birthday tomorrow!
Homegirl is going to be 3 tomorrow, can you believe it!?!

Quotes from today
Most: Abby- Mama, God painted the sky. Me- That's right, Abby. Abby- No way he-zay, it was GOD! {I have no idea about what this girl says, she cracks me up!}
Least: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! said by any and all three of my children at least once today

Most: freshly cut grass, the smell of a new baby's breath, freshly baked bread, the smell of Christmas- a piney, peppermint-y, gingerbread-y smell.
Least: tar, bleh. I remember when I was at college they were re-tarring a roof there and the smell of it made me so nauseous and gave me an insta-headache.
Most: avocados, cheese, zucchini, cauliflower, mashed potatoes, country gravy.
Least: the texture of onions, citrus fruits

Most: Christmas, I am so ready to decorate!
Least: I love all holidays, but if I had to choose a least favorite, I would say Halloween. I know, I know, it's a favorite for most, I do get excited about it, but not Christmas/Easter/4th of July excited.

Time of the day
Most: Mid-morning or around 9 pm.
Least: first thing in the morning or about an hour before K is due to get home.

Most: Mirror Mirror, Anything with Colin Firth, Pride & Prejudice, Steel Magnolias, I Remember Mama, oh I could go on and on and on
Least: Anything Pokemon, Barney


Friday, November 9, 2012


Happy Friday lovelies!
How has your week been?
Mine, well it could have been better and it also could have been A LOT worse.
Doing the math, I'd say that it was a pretty good week.

I've been feeling kind of crafty lately.
It's fun to work the creative juices and make something.
Sure I sliced my finger on the outside of the scissors {I didn't know you could do that} and Lee cut my hand with the same pair of scissors.
I think we just get rid of them, they are obviously possessed or something.
I will need to share pics of my crafty goodness.

Last week, for like a day it decided to get cold.
We have somehow lost Abby's winter coat.
I have no idea where the darn thing is.
I snagged this super cute coat for her online for $5, yes $5.
Mama loves a deal.
This pic of Abby cracks me up, homegirl is flashing some gangsta signs.
You've got to watch this vlog from C. Jane Kendrick, the songs starts at about the 5 minute mark.

Earlier this week I wrote about my personal goal to get dressed in non-yoga clothes more often.
I did really well at it, until Wednesday {read TWO DAYS} when I caught the cold the girls had.
I had to laugh at myself when I realized this while at the library wearing my comfy clothes.
Today though, I'm back on the bandwagon and working on it.

Our teeny tiny kitty, Zoe, loves to sit with her tail curled around her legs.
It's one of my favorite little things about her and when I realized that I didn't have a picture I had to remedy the situation immediately.
Look at how tiny her little feet are.
She is a full grown, 8 year old cat and she weighs 3 pounds.
Kitty is tiny, so tiny in fact that when it gets remotely cold she likes to climb under the blankets when I go to bed at night for extra warmth.

I would like to preface this photo with asking you to please ignore the mess that is my van.
It's a mess, a messy mess.
Someone, who shall remain nameless, decided to write on the car seats and arm rest with crayon.
Now, I won't tell who the perpetrator was, but I will tell you that she was very sorry and tried to clean it off with her remorseful tears.
Her consequence is to help mama clean up the crayon and then help pick up the mess that is the van.

I love it.
I'm slightly obsessed with eating it right now.
Earlier this week I made a sausage, cheese and broccoli one.
So good, so so so good.
I'm thinking I need to make another.