Monday, December 31, 2012

So long 2012

2012 is over.
Man, that happened fast.

You know when you're a kid and adults tell you that time seems to move more quickly the older you get and little kid you is like, uh huh, whatever, it takes forever!
Well, it does go quickly.

I've seen lots of people sharing their New Year's Resolutions and they seem very attainable.
I, however, don't make them.
I make goals for myself. 
That way if I don't manage to check a goal off of my list there's no pressure.
No let down.
A goal for me is much more user friendly.
I think it leaves some wiggle room for trying your hardest and having peace with the results.
Do you make resolutions?

Looking back over the last year I am happy to report that it was a good one.
Sure, there were some bumps in the road, some hiccups along the way but I am a firm believer in that the twists and turns are what builds character and wisdom.
I can say from experience that I have learned so much more about myself, my relationships and life when things haven't gone exactly to plan.

So, 2013, please be kind to all of us.
I pray for health, contentment and love.

I think a good theme for this next year for me would be contentment.
Being happy with who I am, where I'm at and what I have.
Because, you know what, I have been blessed and sometimes it's hard in the hustle and bustle of life to be aware of just how blessed we are.

P.S. Today is K's birthday, happy birthday my love! xo

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