Monday, January 7, 2013

Back at it

Today was a bit like getting tossed into the deep end.
The alarm seemed to go off entirely too early.

The children though, ah, the children, they rallied and got ready in a quick, easy and tidy manner.
Praise the Lord.

Adison started back at school today.

I started watching baby B again, although she is not such a baby anymore.

We are officially back at it.

It was nice to get back to our schedule.
The routine that we are oh so used to.
The break was nice, but it was just that, a break.

Tomorrow I start my school meetings back up again and just like that, we're off!

Last night while eating dinner I confessed to K that I was already starting to feel a bit overwhelmed at all that is on the docket.
There seems to be a lot but I know that I need to take it one day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time and it will all get accomplished.

I then looked over at one of my favorite verses:

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1

In my mind this means: I am doing what I am meant to be doing, I will make it through x, y & z because I am meant to get them done. It will all work out just as it is meant to .

That folks, helps me with perspective.
When everything starts to feel a bit overwhelming just know that it will all be okay.

xo, D

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