Tuesday, June 19, 2012

*Virtual Coffee*

Yay, I'm so happy that Amy from Lucky Number13 is hosting Virtual Coffee again!
Stop by her place, check out her lovely pics and link up!
Head on over, scoot!


If we were having coffee, I would tell you about the new {to me} delicious tasting coffee creamer I tried over the weekend.
It's by International Delight, the Sweet Cream by Coldstone Creamery.
So so so good.
On the way home though I realized that I left it at my in-law's house, sadface.
I think I am going to need to get some more.


At church, for our small group and our L3 journal, we have been reading 1John.
This one word has so meaning.
It's stretching me, teaching me and inspiring me.

This weekend we visited my in-laws to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday.
We had a lot of fun and celebrated at a yummy Mexican restaurant on Saturday evening.
Sunday was spent relaxing and hanging out.
The girls had a lot of ice cream, Abby at this point was wearing more of it than had consumed.
The Midwest is windy.


A couple of weeks ago I mistakenly admitted {I should know better} that Abby was sleeping so well in her big girl bed.
I admit defeat.
I'm tired.
She has not napped well for several days.


My sister-in-law, Betsy, shared this super cute headband.
I love it, Adison and I have been crafting this afternoon. 


Ainsley's ears are much better.
Yay for modern medicine.


  1. What's L3 journal? I've been needing a new book to study...I may do I John!

    1. It stands for "Live Learn Lead". It's basically a reading schedule that our entire church is doing. Each day the entire church will read the exact same thing. Our pastor will then teach about on Sunday {or Saturday, that's when we go to church} and we will go over it during our small group time as well. It has been fantastic! How are you doing?

    2. I should have said Bible reading schedule, oops!

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend. I also tried this creamer and loved it, so I'm right there with yah. And thanks a lot for sharing the headband.

  3. I always love a good creamer. I will have to try to find it when I return to the states in August.
