Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Good, the Bad and the Funny

The Good: Pool time. The girls are little fish or rather, mermaids. Abby shocked me today with willingly putting on her arm floaties and wanting to go in the big pool. She then proceeded to swim the length of the pool {twice} and THEN learned to climb the ladder out of the pool to jump in BY HERSELF. Say what??? My 5K is this weekend! My friends and race team members and I made our shirts the other night, I am planning on sharing the pictures and story behind our team name tomorrow.

The Bad: K's cousin, Tiffany, found another tumor. This one was in a lymph node and was removed earlier this week. They are still awaiting pathology, prayers are coveted and appreciated. The fires in Colorado, please be praying that they go out. My dear cousin, Kelli, lives there and it worries me. {Although, I am *trying* my hardest to live without worry, it's an on-going process.}

The Funny: Abby is all about tossing Ainsley under the bus lately, saying all of these things that Ainsley is obviously not doing.
Ainsley is ready for bed.
Ainsley is done eating dinner.
Ainsley isn't eating right now.
Ainsley got out of her chair.
Pretty much anything and everything, it's hysterical.
Luckily, Ainsley doesn't take it personally.   

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