Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy happy happy until I wasn't

The girls are obsessed with pancakes right now.
I've been making a pretty large batch, enough so I can freeze some for an extra breakfast or two.
Lately though, the kids have been eating them all within a day or two.
These are Ainsley's current favorites, she calls them "Wonder Woman" pancakes because we put red sprinkles in them.

I've been having a creative itch lately, the need to create something.
I decided to make some hoop art.
I made five of them and can't wait to show them to you guys when I get them hung up.

Abby, my Abby.
Homegirl has been EXTRA naughty.
This evening's naughtiness was getting into my makeup.
She was oh so proud of herself.
It would be a lot easier to be upset with her if she wasn't so darn cute, but cuteness can only take you so far (at least that is what I am ATTEMPTING to tell her).

Now, for my less than awesome news.
I fell down the stairs tonight.
My ankle hurts, I told K that the last time I was in this much pain is when I was in labor last time.

How was your weekend lovelies?

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