Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I've got my rain boots on

It's been raining and raining and raining.
Last night I had a meeting to attend and decided to wear my purple rain boots.
They're purple, that fills me with such happiness.

Last night's meeting was my first as president of a a committee for our school district.
Being president has been really freaking me out, but after last night I feel soooo much better about it.
I'm praying that my anxiety about it continues to stay away and I can remain cool, calm and collected about it.
Please pray for me!!

Tomorrow morning I have to enroll Adison and Ainsley in school.
So. no. ready.
At. all.
Hold me, please, while I cry a river on your shoulder.
Maybe sing Soft Kitty to me and hand me a margarita and a Caramello.

This morning I finally was able to make a Pilates class, it was awesome.
It was hard but I felt great afterwards.

Have I mentioned that Ainsley's caterpillars turned into butterflies?
We will probably release them tomorrow and will write up a post all about the experience.
Our whole family has loved it.

Hope y'all are enjoying the last few weeks of summer!
Tomorrow will be a busy day so I'm off to bed, see you on the flip side, xo


  1. Soft Kitty; warm kitty
    Little ball of fur
    Happy kitty; sleepy kitty
    Purr purr purr

  2. Rainboots are a must! It has rained here just about every weekend since summer started. It's awful! Those pink boots are too cute!
