Monday, March 8, 2010

One of my favorite things

I was talking to Kirk about one of my favorite things in the whole entire world is Ainsley right after a nap. I mean on the good days when she wakes up and could make the whole universe happy because she is so sweet that you could get a cavity. As with almost every time she wakes up we had the conversation about what had to come downstairs with her, today was "Puppy, Elmo, Grandma pi-yo (pillow) and lamb ban-ket (blanket). I brought her downstairs, sat her on my lap and there we snuggled. I talked with Kirk about half-way through our snuggle where she then proceeded to tell me about something which made no sense at all but was indescribably cute. She then made up a Pokemon song & did a toddler version of MJ's Moonwalk. This was beautiful reminder of why I love staying at home with my girls!

Our weekend

This weekend we had a pretty nice time even with the numerous nose blowings, sinus headaches & coughing attacks. We got all of our grocery/house shopping accomplished, with no tears being shed! On Sunday we took the kids to the park, we walked & played most of the afternoon, fun times but our sinuses did not agree! We didn't make it to church though, it makes me sad to think of how much we have missed this winter, but with the threat of getting other people sick, sometimes it is best to just stay home. Oh how I am longing for spring! I am back to not feeling that great but am taking it easy today to try to get healthy, it would be nice to feel good.

Update from last post

So, I went ahead and got everything figured out that I had wanted to last week, but then the big bad sick germs returned. I got sick, Kirk was sick, Abby was sick & the other two girls were trying to get over being sick. Could I please type the word sick again??? So, this week I find that I am having to rearrange my scheduling but that is okay, because everything will get done. I was so excited last week that I got all of my lists & schedules done. They are even color coded!!! But, I will actually accomplish these things soon...I hope.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Lately I have been feeling like the computer/internet could consume my life it I would let it. I have been trying to cut back, not be on Facebook as much, maybe try blogging a bit more. Maybe that will keep me a bit more organized and focused, I have been reading blogs that other moms do hoping for some inspiration. So I am going to try to make some changes, organize better, just plan my day better. My plan for the next week is to get better about doing my menu planning, it helps so much with grocery shopping and really does save money. I am also going to try to get better with housework. I think that if I make a cleaning schedule and stick to it that it will not seem so overwhelming. I am also thinking about starting some sort of curriculum with Ainsley, she is two now so the days of free play working are starting to become boring to her. Just some thoughts that I have been having. Feel free to share ideas!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sweet Baby Abby

I haven't put any recent pictures of Abby up lately. She is such a sweet baby, she wants nothing more than to look at you and have a conversation. I am so completely in love with this little baby!

Rough Winter

This has been one rough Winter. It seems that someone is constantly sick and with having a house full of asthmatics, this is stressful! Plus with having a new baby we are not getting out as much, is it any wonder that I am yearning for Spring? I love hanging out with my girls, but being trapped in the house all winter long is enough to make all of us scream, luckily we made it outside a few times to play in the snow.


We went on vacation last week for Spring Break to Branson! It was a blast, we went with Kirk's parents, his sister & her family. Kirk's family is amazing & we LOVE spending time together. This vacation was BUSY! We saw the Chinese acrobats, went to the Butterfly Palace, went go-carting, saw the Titanic museum and many other things...oh yeah, did I forget shopping! We had a wonderful time & can't wait to do it again. It was so much fun watching all of the cousins play!