Monday, July 13, 2009

We are having a baby girl!!

We found out last week that we are having a baby girl!! Kirk & I are so excited! Adison was a little bummed but quickly got over it. She had her little heart set on a brother. It was so exciting to see the little baby while getting the u/s done, Ainsley just sat there staring at the screening, saying baby & smiling at Kirk & I every few minutes. Now, we just have to name her & wait for the countdown!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hello again!

We have been busy this summer! First the girls & I went with my mom to Michigan for a few days. We all got sick & but we made it through. Then we were in Kansas City for a week so that Adison could attend VBS with her cousins, we had a blast! Now, we are in the middle of swimming lessons. Adison is doing amazing! She can hardly wait to go every day.

Ainsley has been a real trooper, just going along with things for the most part! She has also discovered her inner sassiness, she has discovered her own independence. It is amazing watching her grow, change and experiment!

We have some exciting family news as well, we are expecting baby number three! The baby is due around Thanksgiving, we feel so blessed!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Update, it's been a while!

Adison is almost done with kindergarten. As I think back to when the school year began, my fears & reservations as well as Adison being this wonderful blank slate, I am amazed at how much things have changed. Adison is now reading! Not just a little, but entire books! She is already on the 1st grade reading list as well. I feel truly blessed that Adison has the teacher that she does, her teacher shows her compassion but also holds her accountable. My kind of teacher! Adison is also participating in soccer this spring, I have come to the conclusion that spring might not be the best time for outdoor sports. It seems like it is always either rainy or horribly windy when she had games.
Ainsley is now 18 months old!! She is talking up a storm, running, climbing & throwing temper tantrums. Did I mention hitting? She is so much fun and gives us quite a few laughs! She is a pure delight!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sickness, sickness & more sickness

Needless to say, we have had a lot of sickies in our house lately! Adison had strep two weeks ago & now Kirk and Ainsley have caught something else. Ainsley started getting sick last Wednesday evening and had a fever of around 103 for about 3 days. I took her to the dr and she was wheezing & her oxygen levels were low. So she got a breathing treatment at the dr's office & we were headed to the hospital for testing. Everything came back negative, dr said it must be a virus. Ainsley was doing breathing treatments every four hours & was on a steroid for five days. So after many sleepless nights and temper tantrums, I am happy to report that Ainsley is on the mend. She now just has a bit of a cough, a runny nose & is sleeping more.

Kirk is just now getting better, his has been more breathing issues. He is also doing breathing treatments every four hours and has been coughing a lot. He has been a real trooper!

Needless to say, I am tired of everyone being sick! It is exhausting! I pray that God will heal everyone and protect them from further illness!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Favorite picture of Adison

I found this picture today of Adison when she was four years old. We had taken her to the St. Patrick's Day parade. She had a blast & was such a cute little girl!

Interesting week thus far

This week has been interesting. First, Adison was diagnosed with Strep, then went on to have EVERY symptom including vomitting! So, after starting antibiotics, things are looking up and she went back to school today.

This morning, Kirk & I were awakened by Adison yelling, "Mommy, Daddy!!!" We asked her what was wrong and she told us there was an emergency. That Ainsley was about to fall out of her crib. It turns out that Ainsley had stepped on one of her crib toys and was attempting to escape! By the grace of God, we got up there soon enough and with Adison holding Ainsley in place, everything ended well.

If this is how the first half of the week went, it will be interesting to see what the second half looks like :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Scraping the car windows

Adison has been paying a lot of attention lately to Kirk scraping the car windows in the morning. She told me today that "Daddy is so sweet. Someday when I have a car, I hope that he will scrape my windows too!" It's funny how kids notice the small things that we do for one another. How Daddy scraping the car windows for Mommy makes Mommy's morning easier. This makes me wonder...what else is she paying attention to? Note to self, start paying more attention to the little things as well.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

God cares about the small things

Ainsley has hit the Elmo stage! So, I saw that Elmo Live was coming to Kansas City & really wanted to get tickets. I looked at them on-line & for the four of us to go would cost over $170!!! Needless to say, that's not going to happen! Then last week, while I was listening to the radio they said that they would be giving Elmo Live tickets away. I of course thought that there was NO way that we were going to be able to get some but would try to listen more to see if just maybe we could. So this morning, we left early to let my mom's dog out before taking Adison to school. As soon as I get the girls in the car, I hear on the radio that if you can name the artist singing the song that you could win free tickets to see Elmo!!! Well, Ainsley is pitching a fit & I just manage to hear the phone number & tried calling. First time, I get a busy signal. The second time, it keeps ringing and ringing...but then they answer & say that they already gave the tickets away! BUMMER!!! I expressed my disappointment & he said that he would go ahead & give me two tickets anyway!!!! Now, I just need to get two more tickets so we all can go. This is just further evidence to me that God cares about the little things as well as the big things that happen in our lives. Did we need to go to Elmo Live? No. But, God knew that we wanted to and POOF, He provided. In the words of Adison, "Isn't God fantastic!?!" I would have to say that I agree & I pray that we all have that child-like wonder & awe when it comes to God & His glorious majesty.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Things have been VERY busy around here lately! Adison has been home from school for Christmas break; reading, writing, asking how to spell things & being HYSTERICAL! Ainsley on the other hand, has been a tough little cookie! She is just now getting over Rosella & it has been trying! She had been teething & throwing up, then suddenly had a fever of 105.2 with ibuprofen! So we took her to the dr & they said it was a virus. Neither Kirk nor I slept well for three nights because Ainsley was still having a high fever even with the medicine! Finally on Sunday the fever broke & the rash broke out. She was very clingy with me & Kirk started affectionately calling her my tumor because she only wanted me to hold her. When I put her down or someone else held her, she started "Screaming like a banshee!" according to Adison. Adison was such a sweetie, she layed down next to Ainsley on Saturday and told her, "It's alright, when I was a baby I had this too, and you know what...I didn't even cry." How cute is that!?!

New to this

So, I am new to this whole blog thing. I will try to keep it interesting & updated...but I can't make any promises!